That Lance Armstrong sure is a marketing genius. The seven-time Tour de France winner and cancer survivor first raised a ridiculous amount of cash for his foundation, The Lance Armstrong Foundation, by selling yellow rubber bracelets with the words, "Live Strong" on them, to support cancer survivors with unmet needs. Now he's moving to the art world to make an even bigger statement than neon yellow bracelets.
Nike and Lance recently held a huge kick-off celebration in LA, launching "Stages," a global art exhibition to raise funds and awareness for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. The kick-off consisted of a bike ride to the Children's Hospital, where Lance visited patients. “Stages” brings together more than 20 artists throughout the worlds to create original works inspired by Armstrong and his mission to raise cancer awareness and will represent our fight to overcome adversity.

All of these artists will be working on their pieces from now until July, when the exhibition will open at the Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery in Paris. All of these works will then be auctioned off in October, with all proceeds going directly to the foundation. This project is such a unique collaboration of the world of art, sports and philanthropy.
Even better, Lance is going to up the ante for Stages by riding a large series of special Trek "art bikes" throughout his upcoming races. One of these bikes was made by Damien Hirst. These bikes will also be up for sale in October (wouldn't you be the hit of the trail in one of them?!)

Art does move us, whether it be to a bike down a trail or to overcome adversity and face a life-changing situation. I'm looking forward to see what these artists come up with, and I'm definitely sensing a "yellow" theme.
What a guy that Lance, now if he would only get back with Sheryl Crow, he's be in my good book for eternity.