March sure came roaring in with a blizzard, and Biggs Shot is definitely taking storm at the Biggs Museum this week!
The 80 selected works from the Biggs Shot Photography competition are being hung on the walls as we speak (or type and click rather) and our inbox is filled with RSVPs to the First Look party on Friday. Why so popular? It's your community, your region, on the walls! Over 500 works were entered by artists from throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Hence to say, there were many that didn't make Stephen Perloff's cut...but we do only have so much wall space to hang on.
I couldn't help but wonder which works weren't selected, so I snuck into our Curator's computer files and clicked around. There were definitely some framers and keepers in my mind! So below, please find my "Close, But No Cigar: Sarah's Almost Biggs Shots 2009" If I had my own Museum with an unlimited amount of walls, you'd be there, smack center.
This girl is just dying to get out into the world....
If hailing from Dover, you should know where this is behind the blur?
Purple reflections of a it.
Ahoy Matey.
We've all had this moment... i did yesterday baking brownies.
Crisp fall afternoon after school.
you can feel the breeze
How could you resist this face?
Even bigger splash!
An even harder face to resist.
1 comment:
Wow! Some of these photos are even better than those hanging in the show!!! Great eye Sarah!
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