Monday, November 16, 2009
Better Bolt Your Doors in the UK

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
2,000 lbs of Ribs? Count Me In.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Obama Says,"Let's hear it for Hollywood."

Vice President Joe Biden will install the 25 new members today. The newbies will be led by First lady Michelle Obama as the honorary chairwoman and film producer George Stevens Jr. and theater producer Margo Lion had already been named as its co-chairs.
- To provide affordable health care and tax fairness to artists. Did you know when artists make charitable contributions of their work, they are only reimbursed for supplies, not their time? So not fair.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Lehman Bro's Art is Going, Going, Sold!

Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween
I hope you all have an artfully fantastic Halloween. To kick off the weekend, I googled Best Costume Ever. And this is what I got. P.S. You HAVE to watch it until the end! Amazing.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Not Your Average Neckwear...

The process took over two years, beginning in December 2007 with over 48 proposals from Canadian and internationally-run design firms. Before I go on to explain the awesomeness that is the design, I'd like to mention these are the heaviest medals ever made for the Olympic games, weighing in at a record 500-576 grams. And they're made from recycled electronics, so your old HP could be hanging on the neck of the next Michelle Kwan.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Usual Mona Lisa Suspects

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Non-Profit (or Doing) of the Week: Uniformed Fashion

Monday, October 5, 2009
Would You Like Fries With Your Mona Lisa Value Meal?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
And the Rob Pruitt Goes To...

Friday, September 18, 2009
Love (And Bad Taste) Is In the Eye of the Beholder

Every week the Dover Post comes to the house, my mother increasingly expresses her disappointment in the dwindling of the wedding and engagement announcement section. "Why doesn't anyone send their daughter's picture in anymore?! How am I supposed to know?!" She says. I don't know why recently engaged or married couples don't send in photos and announcements anymore, but perhaps this could be one of the reasons...maybe the photos are just too bad. Bad, you ask?! I know you're thinking, how could a photograph used to announce lifelong dedication be bad? You better believe it. Guidespot.com, a web-site for you guessed it, guides to anything, posted an entry this morning with a boat load of bad engagement photos. Some are quirky, some make you feel a bit uncomfortable and some leave you seriously scratching your head. Word of advice, get a second of thirs opinion before sending your photos to the paper....if you plan on doing so.
Click here for many more.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Very Special And Colorful Delivery...

Friday, September 11, 2009
I seemed to have lost my "Get Out of Taxes Free" Card in Dublin

As disappointing this news may be for many of these artists, I support the government's desire to make taxation fair among everyone in the country. My words of advice, don't quit your day job. Or better yet, for many...get a day job.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Who You Callin' Ugly?

Friday, September 4, 2009
Oatmeal, you never looked better.
Sadly, I could not afford to purchase one of her photographs, but I will keep dreaming. But I miss visiting the galleries for a second, third, fourth, fifth and six glance at them. But who knew, someone in cyber/blog space was out there answering my prayers.
Her name is Jennifer Causey and she is a photographer out of Brooklyn, NY. She writes, or rather posts to, a blog called Simply Breakfast. And that's what it is... photographs of her breakfast everyday. But this isn't your disposable camera shot of the Lucky Charms box. Her breakfast shots have a whimsical feel to them, making you want to wrap yourself with a blanket, NYT and a cup of tea all morning long. The blog is very very simple, just photographs, with text rarely, giving you the opportunity to take what you want from it.

I was delighted to see that Jennifer photographs for Anthropologie and Real Simple Magazine, two of my favorite things in life. Her style is definitely reflective of these two brands.
So if you aren't too hungry, or feeling lazy looking forward to this Labor Day weekend, check out her blog and cook yourself a gorgeous omelet tomorrow morning.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
PETA is gonna have a fit...
Well I've discovered a dog trend that Giulianova might not feel so comfortable following. It's called creative grooming. Apparently, people are taking their poodles and grooming them to look anything like, well anything that isn't a poodle. The results are schocking. I've never been to a creative grooming competition, and I'm sure many of you haven't either, so thank goodness for Photographer Ren Netherland of Animal Photography Studio in Clearwater, FL (wonder, if the Hulk has taken his pooches for a photo sess). He travels the country in a mobile photography studio and captures the walking and barking "works of art."
Now, there are some serious ethical questions about creative grooming. Is this abuse? I for one have learned from experience that hair dye and highlights can do massive destruction to your mane, so I'm sure that hot pink on a poodle isn't going to be the best thing for it. But in the meantime, scroll down for some of my "favorites" (is it ok to admit that?).

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Information Highway? A Scenic Route

Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Yellow Pages Are Jealous

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
What do you want always? The good news or the bad news?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Talk About Some "Pop" Art

I can't decide if this story is intriguing, funny or just plain ridiculous, but the Chicago dailies have been burning with this story the past couple of days so I have to share it with you. Apparently Michael Jackson fans have been rushing to the Field Museum in Chicago recently to see a statue of a limestone bust, which dates from the New Kingdom Period between 1550 B.C. and 1050 B.C., (we're talking King Tut time period here) and has been on display at the museum since 1988. Why you ask? Because the bust has a striking resemblance to Michael Jackson himself. The limestone is currently on display in the "Inside Ancient Egypt" exhibit at the Field. The limestone statue has gaunt cheeks and - most strikingly - a tipless nose.
Since Jackson's death, mourners have rushed to the exhibit to pay tribute to him. Fortunately Field has the daily crowd of 4,500 visitors under control by placing the bust in a glass case, avoiding any kissing or touching of the Jackson look-alike.
Some commenters have gone so far as to suggest Jackson used the bust as a model for his own face. However, a museum spokeman said he had no idea whether or not Jackson ever visited the museum.
So what is up with the nose? James Phillips, curator at the Field, states, " We believe the model is missing a nose because early Christians or Muslims removed noses from paintings and models to make them non-human. "This was because it was against their religion to depict human beings."
Who knows, but I promise you I'm closing the book on Michael Jackson entries. What's the phrase, "laid to rest" ?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Rome Prefers Not To Paint The Town

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
You Wanna Piece of MJ?

Monday, August 10, 2009
Shedding A New Concept

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Annie Get Your Checkbook

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Wild Things Lurk In Philly