Whoever said the greatest things in life cannot be seen or touched obviously has never paid a visit to see my favorite sculpture, the Statue of Liberty. A gift of friendship from good ole France, Miss Liberty is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. Officially dedicated in October 1886, the Statue of Liberty stands at over 305 feet tall from foundation to top. Due to the September 11th terrorist attacks, the Statue of Liberty closed to the public in 2001. After eight years, Liberty is going to give America the best birthday gift by reopening tomorrow on July 4th.
On Saturday, 30 visitors will be chosen every hour by lottery to be allowed to climb the 168 step spiral staircase to the crown. Tickets quickly sold out quickly last week for the chance to have a private visit inside Liberty. If you were hoping to get to the crown soon, tickets can be reserved for as long as one year in advance, and as many as four tickets can be reserved per customer. Only one reservation per person is allowed within a six-month period. Be sure to see her soon, because after two years, Liberty will close for renovations again.
USA Today wrote an interesting article relating the reopening of the Statue of Liberty to the evolving attitudes towards post-9-11 terrorism security. Liberty is lighting the way for a new, confident and secure America.
Whatever your reactions are to this news, be it excitement, awe, timidness, take a moment to enjoy her, because she sure is pretty ain't she?
Happy Fourth of July
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